
Yi Ding (丁熠)

Undergraduate Student
School of Mathematics, Tianjin University

About Me

Hi! I’m a third year undergraduate student from School of Mathematics, Tianjin University. My research interests primarily focus on trustworthy multimodal learning, image processing (image fusion), vision-language models, etc.

Currently I am a research assistant in the MLDM Lab Multimodal Vision Processing (MVP) Group, advised by Dr. Bing Cao, and my research topic is mostly focus on trustworthy machine leaning and multimodal fusion with theoretical guarantee. I will start internship at Computer Science Department, Purdue University, advised by Dr. Ruqi Zhang.

In my spare time, I am very passionate about digital and film photography. In addition to this, I also enjoy making coffee, whether it is hand-poured or espresso. If you share the same interest, I welcome you to exchange ideas with me!

🔥🔥🔥I'm looking for PhD opportunities at 25 Fall!!! If you share the same research interests with me, welcome to add my Wechat🔥🔥🔥



* indicates author with equal contribution, † indicates the corresponding author.

  1. ICML
    Bing Cao, Yinan Xia*, Yi Ding*, Changqing Zhang†, Qinghua Hu†
    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024.

  2. Under Review
    Anonynous Authors
    Under Review


Conference Reviewers

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